What is a “freehand” shipment?

No legal definition of a “freehand” shipment (no court definition)
What does it mean?
Miles Binz Shipping believe a freehand shipment is prepaid or freight collect.
With freight collect you are asking for services back to you and by so doing you have to accept certain responsibilities.

Pros of freehand shipment

  • Pick up USD 25-50 handover fee from consignee’s broker
  • You may get to secure the customs clearance and build on the profit
  • You may get the delivery for more profit
  • You may find yourself a new regular customer
Why are there “freehand” shipments?

A knowledgeable importer or consignee will control his cargo and not allow it to go into just any person’s hand.
Why would you buy product from another country and let anyone handle it? Who are you dealing with?
Indications we have on Freehand Shipments is the element of risk/monetary losses increase if you are not diligent on verifying the Consignees creditability.